Thursday, July 15, 2010


Milksteak: The favorite food of Charlie Day on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Mentioned in the season 5 episode "The Waitress Is Getting Married". It is made by boiling steak in a mixture of milk and honey. Served best with a side of fine jellybeans (raw).

Pop Culture Immersion Index (PCII): 9 out of 10.

There are many reasons why I think Charlie Kelly is probably the greatest character in TV history,

and his love of Milksteak is one of them. It's really a surprise that Milksteak hasn't been thought of as a staple before, as it is combined from 3 ingredients that provide the utmost nutritional balance of fat, protein, and carbs (with 1000% DV of ridiculous).

As if you didn't already know

I urge you to order a milksteak, over-hard of course, during your next meal out. Hopefully we can bring some of the culinary wisdom of Charlie Kelly into the forefront of our minds. And tongues.
I see your KFC Double Down and raise you a Milksteakwich
Spoiler Alert: I win

So thanks to Charlie (Kelly and Day), Glenn, Rob, and all the others at Sunny who bring us this vernacular delight.

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