Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Beginning

Well, Here. We. Go. This blog is intended to be shared with the masses, but also be very enjoyable for hardcore pop culture fans. The main purpose of this blog is to take the funniest, most disgusting, horrific, shallow, wittiest, and most noteworthy tidbits from popular culture and communicate their message, impact, and virtue (whatever it may be). Just kidding. No virtue. If you're looking for virtues, go to www... .......... ....., well when I find one, I'll post it.

There are many uses for the pop culture dictionary:

A. As a gauge for a one's personal preferences.
  • I.E. If a potential mate discusses the possibility of the name "Justin Bobby" for offspring, the Pop Culture Dictionary will let you know to head in the direction of the nearest airport (international edition!)to get as far away as humanly possible from said mate.
B. As a Litmus Test for a person's knowledge of pop culture.
  • I.E. Who doesn't know what/who Speidi is? On the other hand knowledge of LeRoy Jenkins requires much further penetration of the mushy, destitute brain of pop culture.
C. As a daily source for comical pleasures.
  • I.E. This blog is sure to be hilarious, so be sure to subscribe. Email me to request hardcopies if you find the internet troublesome. But in that case, you may want to just move to North Dakota and never visit this blog again.

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