Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Death Grip (iPhone 4 style)

Death Grip (iPhone 4 style): Placement of one's hands on an iPhone 4 in such a manner that causes a drop in signal strength due to improper grounding of the antennae. Came into use about 5 minutes after the iPhone 4's launch in June 2010.

Pop Culture Immersion Index (PCII): 3 out of 10

While many characters throughout history have utilized a death grip
no one person has directly affected more people, and their contacts, like Steve Jobs/Johnny Ives. Don't get me wrong, Apple is a fantastic company that has had some really innovative designs in the past, but sticking a antennae on the handhold of the phone? Innovation that backfired. Sorta like...
Before the self-destruct button: The rebel-destruct button

After receiving gleaming reviews aside from reception issues, Apple decided they needed to do something about this uprising. So they decided to offer a free case/bumper/$30 refund for already purchased bumpers But the death grip has inspired some super parodies of everything Apple.

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